Trick of the trade
I have been living in Greece for six years, and even now it sometimes happens to me that I feel bewildered whilst dealing with usually routine situations. Every now and then I fall prey to… Trick of the trade
I have been living in Greece for six years, and even now it sometimes happens to me that I feel bewildered whilst dealing with usually routine situations. Every now and then I fall prey to… Trick of the trade
Greek wines deserve a much better image. Sometimes it seems that only the Greek vintners themselves are aware about the stunning and exciting wines that they are able to craft. An image is in many… Open letter
Liebe Weinfreundin, lieber Weinfreund, können Sie sich noch an Ihren ersten Flug erinnern? Mir steht der meine noch so lebendig vor Augen, als habe er erst gestern stattgefunden. 14 Jahre war ich alt, als ich… Käse oder Schinken? Das Leben ist digital.
Greeks are extremely generous people. Sometimes when two different cultures come together, the outcome can be surprising. I am of German heritage, and before we settled down in Greece my family and me lived for 18… German # Greek hospitality
Over the last few weeks, I have organised several tasting events of Greek wines abroad. Being back now in Athens, I continue to taste wines from Greece on a daily basis. In my own setting,… Slow starters
I feel strongly that Greek wines are ready to take the plunge. In order to put my money where my mouth is, I organised a tasting event of a large variety of Greek wines to… On the radar screen
Last weekend marked the start of a new important phase in my quest to promote Greek wines abroad. Up until then, I had presented wines solely to wine merchants and wine critics. The feedback received… Greek wine presentation
Liebe Weinfreundin, lieber Weinfreund, während ich Ihnen diese Zeilen schreibe, sitze ich bei einem Glas spanischen Rotweins und lausche Herbert Grönemeyers zutiefst trauriger Hymne „Der Weg“, mit der der Liedermacher vor einigen Jahren den Tod… Der fröhliche Rinderwirt Dieter