Balkans Wine Competition
Immediate impact and serious future potential come to life once a great idea is born and more importantly, flawlessly executed. The Balkans International Wine Competition (BIWC) is the brainchild of Galina Niforou and Konstantinos Lazarakis,… Balkans Wine Competition
Xinomavro nuances
The Xinomavro wine producers from Naoussa continue their push towards promoting their unique wines – and they certainly leave a mark wherever they show up. Last week, I joined a number of winemakers/representatives for a… Xinomavro nuances
Building a business #1
Nearly three years have passed since I published the page “Story of my life” on elloinos. The articles shared my personal journey leading up to my decision to leave the financial industry behind and make… Building a business #1
US versus Europe
The US, Germany and the UK are amongst the five largest wine consuming countries and also top the list of the three largest wine importing countries in the world (in reverse order). Greek wine exports… US versus Europe
Flipping through time
When tasting a wine, we only capture one particular moment in its life, similar to admiring a single photograph of our child. Fine wine, like a child, evolves over time. In some instances, it grows… Flipping through time
Greek red wines
Greek white wines have certainly taken the lion share of the attention received by the wine media. This is a result of the overall consistent quality, the availability (quantity), and the focus on indigenous grape… Greek red wines
Black of Kalavryta
Fact File Black of Kalavryta (Mavro Kalavrytino) Area grown: In the mountainous slopes of Aegialia and Kalavryta , part of the region of Achaia (northwestern Peloponnese). Vines/Grapes: There are three different varieties from the Mavra… Black of Kalavryta
A Pinterest experiment
Greek winemakers, I am asking for your help. I would love to share something personal about each and every one of you by combining an image with a few words. Is there a hobby you… A Pinterest experiment