My calling – a cause to follow
Follow me on my way to Greece and read how I entered the Greek wine world. 2003 – 2009 At the end of October 2003 we moved to Greece. My wife was six months pregnant… My calling – a cause to follow
Follow me on my way to Greece and read how I entered the Greek wine world. 2003 – 2009 At the end of October 2003 we moved to Greece. My wife was six months pregnant… My calling – a cause to follow
Follow how I got introduced first to my future wife and then to wines (this combination still rocks) in this second part of the story of my life. 1992 – 2002 In 1992 I felt that… Getting hooked on the good stuff
In this three-part series, I want to tell my readers more about me. Follow my journey from a tiny little village in Germany to Frankfurt, London, and Athens. 1966 – 1991 The first 25 years… My first big break