Greek creativity
One of the Greek nations most pronounced characteristics is that they are masters in providing quick fixes – as a matter of fact, quick and dirty fixes. No problem is a real problem: It is… Greek creativity
One of the Greek nations most pronounced characteristics is that they are masters in providing quick fixes – as a matter of fact, quick and dirty fixes. No problem is a real problem: It is… Greek creativity
My wife Alexandra is sharing a tongue in cheek account of her latest accomplishment – running the Marathon in Venice. My kids and I are extremely proud of her, it is amazing what real passion… Passion in the long-run
When I am in need for urgent help that requires some kind of service, my expectations in Greece are low. If that need arises on a Sunday morning, I know better than to even hope… F1 in Athens
The summer season is slowly coming to an end, so I should be able to become more productive again. The reason for this is not what you might expect – it is simply that power… Feeling powerless?
In Greece, things work different. How do most of you get your mail and parcels delivered to your home? Probably not in the way I do. The image above is a photo of my postman.… Meet my postman